Monday, February 18, 2008

Pick Up women: Understand the nature of woman

PUA Tips: Understand the nature of woman then you will know how to pick up the girl and eventually get intimate with her.
How to get a Girl, How to pick up girls. The Mind set that you must have and Understand the nature of courting, dating, and mating.

The Key to this:
"How long have men picked up girls using logic? 20,000 years? 50,000 years?

And how long have we picked up women using our emotional, non-logical, instincts?"

"Seize Opportunity And Get the Girl"
By BadBoy

This game is not played like chess. In the field you must react without thinking. You must go on the offensive. You must do things, then later analyze. I see guys in clubs thinking about what they are going to do for 10 minutes before approaching a girl. That’s so w rong. You must do things, and even if you fail (we all do) you analyze what you did LATER and try to learn something from the mistake. Then try to not to make the same mistake again.

That’s how you get good. That’s how I got good. I failed thousands of times, and then found something that works. So don’t be afraid to fail, it will make you better. Every set is an opportunity to either get with a new girl, or learn something that will improve your game.

Failure = Learning Opportunity

I am proud of every mistake I made in my life. And yes, I still make mistakes, which means I am still learning. Learning never stops. I am proud of that. Never get so arrogant that you refuse to learn and improve yourself.

Something I want to talk about in this newsletter is utilizing every opportunity you have in field as they come up. You are talking with a girl and a window of opportunity opens. If you don’t do something, you don’t try to escalate further, you will lose the girl. It’s simple. She gives you an opportunity to kiss her; if you chicken out in most cases you need to work another 45 minutes to open the window again... Seize the moment when it happens.

When it comes to kiss closing and escalation, I use a very simple technique. When I start to think about kissing, that means she was thinking about it as well. In the next 5-30 sec, I will go for the kiss. Following my intuition rarely fails. I highly recommend doing it this way because your brain is telling you to go for it for a reason. She’s sent you a subconscious signal. I can’t tell you how many times when I was younger I didn’t make a move to kiss, touch or sleep with a girl when the opportunity was there. I thought, “Let me wait a few minutes, then I will do it.”

And every time I waited, something unproductive would happen and I would go home alone. A boyfriend would call, she would go to the toilette and never come back or something else. The universe would PUNISH my hesitation. That’s how I learned to use every opportunity that’s in f ront of me when they happen. Life is too short. Sometimes opportunities won’t make sense, but do it anyway. Follow your intuition. It’s triggered for a reason.

Have you noticed that when you hesitate, things don’t go well?

Now, let me explain you why that is…

How long have men picked up girls using logic? 20,000 years? 50,000 years?

And how long have we picked up women using our emotional, non-logical, instincts?

When you look at human evolution, probably for more than a million years.

So, in reality the emotional/instinctual brain is way more experienced in this area than logic and analysis. Trust your instincts. They are hard wired to steer you in the right direction.



What Students Have to Say

Here are some excerpts of what students have had to say about taking a life changing Badboy Lifestyle Workshop.

“BB lifestyle really helped me to master my inner game, what it teaches is a kinda attitude and it incrementally accelerates gradually, I mean BB lifestyle provides all the crucial elements in attitude creation you need to know. With your existing routines/or continously update your rountine pack and strategies. You will truely master the GAME. So if any one of you out there would like to be a natural, you MUST come to BB lifestyle's workshop.”

“…Have you ever stopped in front of two women riding a bike in Central Park, hold up your hand, smile and calmly said "stop" Better yet, did they immediately jump off of their bikes and wait for you to approach? When I first started, people wouldn't even give me a second glance, but by the time Badboy gave me some pointers on my body language, I could stop people at will. And then get their number.”

“I met a girl through some friends and was worried I was going to mess it up like I had with the previous five girls. With slight adjustments I applied your pickup techniques to convert this new friend into a girlfriend and had her eating out of my hands in no time. I love the way your courses are more than simple approach & close techniques, that they explain the way things are, why, and what”

“The workshop was truly a perception-expanding and fun experience. Badboy is simply a great guy. After our second night out, we came back to my hotel and he has teaching us how to walk a girl for an hour and a half……at 2 AM in the morning! He didn’t have to do that! He truly is a friend that wants to see you get good.”

“If you want to break free of the matrix and rid yourself of fear, sign up for the workshop. I am fortunate enough to be able to travel frequently and experience many things but this was the most exciting experience I've ever had. If I could go back, I would have opened more sets the first couple days. I was sick afterwards from the amount of energy constantly surging through my body during those days. During the workshop you are going to feel like the fucking man sometimes, and trust me, sometimes you will hurt- but it is all worth it.”

BB lifestyle really helped me to master my inner game, what it teaches is a kinda attitude and it incrementally accelerates gradually, I mean BB lifestyle provides all the crucial elements in attitude creation you need to know. With your existing routines/or continously update your rountine pack and strategies. You will truely master the GAME. So if any one of you out there would like to be a natural, you MUST come to BB lifestyle's workshop.”

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